Looking back at 2020

December 29, 2020

Salam alaykum,

Peace and blessings be upon you all,  


As 2020 winds down and comes to an end, I wanted to take this opportunity to first and foremost thank you all for your incredible support. Ramadan Tent Project could not have gone through this difficult year without your generosity.


As we look to 2021 with hope, optimism and tawakkul (reliance and trust in God’s plan), I am sure we can all recognise what a challenging year it's been for us all, and that not a single human being on this planet has remained untouched by its events. Change is occurring at a rapid pace and we have had to heal ,mourn, adapt and grow both personally and professionally at every turn.


Our biggest challenge at RTP this year saw us move the UK’s largest cultural community festival in Ramadan with over 50 live events confirmed to an online platform in under 3 weeks’ notice. However, with your support and the inspiring commitment of the RTP family and their grounded conviction in our mission, we were able to fulfil our mandate at record-breaking levels of bringing communities together virtually. In addition to creating a community spirit through safe and innovative means and a sense of belonging for those experiencing loneliness, low faith and mental health challenges.


With less than 4 months to go before Ramadan 2021, we look forward to building a more memorable and exciting range of activities during the blessed month of Ramadan than ever before. In the meantime, I would like to end and share this quote from Ibn al-Qayyim which has proved to provide me with much solace and comfort getting through this very difficult year:


“The purpose of hardship is that we do not become content with this worldly life, but instead aspire to live in His vicinity and the endless bliss of HisParadise.”


I pray for your safety, healthiness and protection from every ill and harm. I pray for ayear of hope, optimism, tawakkul and prosperity for us all.


Yours faithfully, 


Omar Salha

ChiefExecutive, RTP